Sofia's Retreat to Your Root Experience: Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Flowers and leaves surrounded by lights

Our Memorial Day weekend retreat, Retreat to Your Root: An Immersion into Pelvic Health, is filling up fast, but Dustienne Miller of Your Pace Yoga and I want to continue to share previous retreaters' experiences.    

Today's blog features Sophia's experience which she has graciously offered to share as a glimpse into the retreat experience. 

How did you hear of the retreat and what made you want to sign up?

Sophia: One night, I was lying in my bed in pain yet again, and like all of us who have tried everything, I was searching the internet for help.  I had just read in a ballet magazine about a condition that affects dancers called “tight pelvic floor”.  I had never heard of it, and began googling.  When I found out it was a “real thing” and that others were suffering just like me, I felt so relieved. After fruitless gyno and doctor’s visits, I stumbled upon Casie’s page and saw the retreat. I didn’t even know anything about this woman, but the fact that someone acknowledged that the pain I was feeling was real, I knew I had to go.

What was your favorite yoga pose you learned on the retreat, and why?

Sophia: My favorite posture I learned on the retreat was definitely the pelvic “clocks” on the floor. In my private consult with Casie, we also discussed some difficulties I was having with breathing during meditation. She recommended some wonderful tools and strategies.

What was your most memorable moment of the retreat?

Sophia: My most memorable moment was in the closing moments of the retreat.  I got sort of teary eyed and shared with the group that I hated that we were all here because it meant that we were all struggling with pain, but that I was so grateful to have a new network of support!

How did participating in the retreat affect your life back home?

Sophia: I cannot describe to you exactly how meaningful spending those few days together focusing on the most taboo and intimate parts of ourselves was. Nobody wants to talk about sexual pain and discomfort, but this retreat helped me become comfortable with these uncomfortable parts of myself.

Sounds amazing, right?  We've still got a few beds open so visit our retreats page for more details and to sign up!

 See you in San Luis Obispo or Boston in 2017!

A group of people smiling and sharing a meal together



Yoga 101: A Quick and Dirty Reference for You and Your Patients


Jennie's Retreat to Your Root Experience: Moments of Realness and Acceptance