“I believe there is great power in storytelling to heal shame, fear, anger or embarrassment around our pelvic spaces”

— Dr. Casie Danenhauer Humble

Pelvic Pain, yoga retreat, Retreats, pelvic health, vagina Casie Danenhauer Pelvic Pain, yoga retreat, Retreats, pelvic health, vagina Casie Danenhauer

5 (more) Reasons Your Vagina Would Love a Retreat

As Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT) with a specialty practice in pelvic health I have found that embodiment practices (like yoga, dance, organic movement etc) and mindful physical therapy can heal and radically improve people’s lives. I can tell you with professional certainty that the vulva, vagina, and womb space is an important part of the Mind-Body-Spirit equation and that the health of your Root is imperative to whole system health.  Read on below for 5 reasons you (and your vagina) will love indulging in a pelvic health related retreat. 

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